AIDS virus |
AIDS virus - Stocks immune cells infected with the biggest obstacle to recovery
Scientists from Norway likely to be large numbers of infected cells the immune system of the body , is the biggest obstacle facing recovered infected with HIV , " AIDS ."The researchers based at that to an extensive study on eight patients during their treatment against retroviruses , and show them that even though there are elements of the nurse inactive remain for years in cells known as " cells Zi de 4 ", a type of immune cells in the blood and lymph tissue , but it seems that these pathogens do not multiply as researchers explained under the supervision of Lena Jusyfsson from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in their journal " Proceedings " of the American Academy of Sciences.
The treatment can against retroviruses reducing the number of AIDS virus below the level that can be proven , but the numbers of these viruses are increasing when treatment is stopped because the cells retain an inactive viruses not reached drugs .
It was not known until now this place inventory of viruses that infect the disease and what happens to them in their place.
The researchers examined from Sweden , Belgium, Australia and the United States eight patients were infected with HIV and treated for four to 12 years and analyzed the CD 4 cells in their immune system cells targeted by a virus mainly AIDS .